Whether you own a small business or head a large corporation, you need essential software to keep your enterprise fully functional. Software-as-a-Service fulfills your software requirements by allowing you to upgrade your system. You can access the full service and software integration applications, including cloud storage, documents, official email servers, collaboration tools, internal communication channels, and much more.
If you’re only just starting and think it’s too early to invest in a software upgrade with SaaS, you’re mistaken. The time could never be better to revamp your system and transition to a SaaS-assisted business model.
SaaS consumption will become more wide-spread soon, and it’s essential to be up to date about predictions for it.
Shift to the Cloud
The migration to cloud computing is in the pipeline, and with every technological upgrade in the industry, this prospect becomes a certainty. The prediction is that about 80% of all businesses will rely on cloud resources for all critical applications such as storage, communication, and remote work. Businesses that have had to suffer huge losses due to server downtime will no longer have to worry about that. SaaS allows more flexible data transfers, reliability, and efficiency, with a massive memory for data storage. Along with that, there will be a rise in migration tools and supporting applications to make the move seamless.

Artificial Intelligence for Productivity Boost
The incorporation of AI in business models will be the advent of many new practices. Skilled and qualified engineers will no longer be needed to operate desk phones when their skill-set can be put to greater use.
Every worker should have virtual assistants in the form of bots that can take calls or messages and improve communication. Oracle has reported that 89% of customer service tools are already AI-centric, and development in this sector will encourage greater reliance on this technology.
The workforce becomes a fair mix of humans and machines, helping the company optimize the powers of both. AI has been known to become adept at many human jobs, including medical diagnoses, which is
Software Developer Community to Expand 10x
It’s estimated that productivity levels will increase by 400%. Reaching that score is not possible without simultaneous growth in the number of software developers. From 2012 to 2018, the software development platform grew from 5 million to 31 million in only six years. This is one example of how SaaS impacts the business world by making technological environments conducive for positive change.
Are you looking for software solutions such as SaaS for your business?
Axis Business Technologies is a locally-owned company in Southern Colorado that understands your business’ technological needs.
The right technology can help your business grow, and that’s why we offer software solutions such as SaaS that help optimize the true potential of Colorado Springs businesses. Reach out to us for more information on technology.